When I was little, I saw you from afar. You were so great, so full of hope, opportunity, prosperity, forward motion. Truly the land of milk and honey, or so I believed.
Where are you now?
When I was little, it seemed like you fought for those who couldn’t. You were willing to rise to the challenge when others wouldn’t.
Where are you now?
When I was little, you welcomed those in need. You said, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
Where are you now?
When I was little, I watched as your women appeared to go where they hadn’t been able to before. Equality was gaining, and not just for them, if only by inches.
Where are you now?
When I was little, I trusted all the times you said, “Never again!” or “This can’t happen here,” in the face of atrocities toward others, be they Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or otherwise.
Where are you now?