Stop breaking me
Tearing me
Breaking again
Stop before the pieces of me
Are too small to put together again
My sense of self
Stop breaking me
Tearing me
Breaking again
Stop before the pieces of me
Are too small to put together again
My sense of self
The next morning, I almost oversleep, something I rarely do. Somehow, I’ve managed to turn off the alarm clock without realizing it, and it’s only thanks to Brutus nuzzling my face that I wake up with just enough time to shower before heading out. Edward, who’s equally groggy and slightly disoriented by the sudden waking and shock of running late, promises to make breakfast and coffee and drop it by the store after locking up my apartment for me, leaving me free to hurry out the door.
I make it to the shop with only two minutes to spare, so I have to rush through my usual opening routine. It unsettles me, as it always does the few times this has happened in the past, but I try to deal with it as best I can. At least I can look forward to a break as soon as Edward shows up, which he does about an hour after I’ve opened. He smiles, nodding at the customer who’s paying for a couple of frames. As soon as she leaves, I sink back on the stool behind the counter, groaning. Edward glances around the store, then places the bag he brought with him on the counter before stepping around it to hug me. Continue reading
The elevator ride to my floor feels like it takes forever. The temptation to stop by his place is strong, but I’m convinced that he won’t want to see me. I know he’s not working today, and it’s the only explanation I can think of. When I get to my door though, I feel a fluttering of hope at the sight of a post it stuck on the doorknob.
come downstairs? Dinner’s waiting.
Slumping against my door I let out a shaky laugh as I run my fingers through my hair. If he says dinner’s waiting, then things can’t be as bad as I’d feared. With trembling hands I hurry to open my door so I can change into something more comfortable before heading down. Continue reading
A tickling sensation wakes me the next morning, and it takes me a second to realize it’s Edward’s fingers trailing back and forth along my side. With a hum, I stretch as I roll onto my back and open my eyes in search of him. He’s propped up on his side, watching me with a content look on his face. His smile widens when his gaze meets mine.
“Morning, sleepyhead. Guess I tired you out pretty good, huh?” He chuckles and his smile turns into a smirk as I narrow my eyes and huff.
“How long have you been awake?” I ask, rolling onto my side to face him.
He wrinkles his nose and laughs. “Fine, you caught me. I’ve only been awake for a couple of minutes, myself.” Continue reading
I hurry home, anxious to hop in the shower and get ready for my date with Edward. It feels as if my heart and stomach both flip several times as I get ready. I even shave and put on a little aftershave before doing my hair. When I’ve satisfied myself there’s nothing more to do, I walk over to my closet and stare inside it.
Edward had asked me to wear a suit. I own several, but I’m finding it hard to make up my mind. In the end, I decide to go with the one Esme says she loves most: my dark blue, narrow pinstripe suit, with powder blue shirt. I waffle for a minute on whether to put on a tie, too, but then I remember his note saying how much he wants to see me in a suit and I figure I might as well go all in.
Grabbing my favorite blue and silver tie, I quickly get dressed and am just putting on my cufflinks when the doorbell rings. A glance at the clock tells me it’s seven on the dot, and I feel my face flushing when I realize how long it’s taken me to get this far, and I haven’t even put socks and shoes on. Continue reading
When the alarm goes off the following morning, it takes me a while to figure out why I’m so warm and constricted. Slowly it dawns on me that Edward’s lying sprawled half on top of me and fast asleep. With some effort, I manage to silence the alarm, surprisingly without waking Edward either by the noise or the fact I have to stretch to my limit in order to reach the damn thing. He does give a waffling snort, nuzzling his face further into my back as I settle back down again.
Memories of last night come flooding into my mind, and I have to burrow my face into my pillow to stifle the moan that escapes me. I want nothing more than to turn around and hold him, kiss him, taste him, but part of me is afraid. I know what he said last night, and I know he’s the one that initiated things between us, but that little nagging voice in the back of my head won’t shut up.
What if he regrets it? Continue reading
The next few days I do my best to push Edward from my mind, reminding myself again and again that he’s far too young for me. In spite of my best efforts, he keeps coming to the forefront of my mind, and I wonder how he’s doing and if he’s all settled in yet.
Wednesday evening, I’ve only just managed to change out of my work clothes when there’s a knock on my door. When I answer it I’m surprised to see Edward, blushing faintly as he holds a large covered casserole in a carrying case in both hands, with a bag dangling off his wrist. The smell emanating from the dish is mouthwatering.
Quirking a brow, I manage, “Edward?” Continue reading
“Come on, Carlisle. It’s not good for you to always be on your own. Dinner’s Friday at six, sharp. I won’t take no for an answer,” Esme says firmly.
I sigh and close my eyes, rubbing the bridge of my nose. “Please, Es, I really don’t think-” I try, but she cuts me off.
“I mean it, Carbunkle. Six sharp. Don’t be late.”
“Come on, Jazz, don’t be that way. Tell me where we’re going, please?” Emmett wheedled.
I shook my head. “Sorry, babe. It’s a surprise. You’re just going to have to be patient and wait. It’s only for another day.”
He harrumphed, crossing his arms over his chest as he sat back against the couch. Biting my lip to stop myself from giving in, I playfully tugged at his arm.
He scowled at me. “You know I’m not fond of surprises, Jasper.” Continue reading
A/N: This story was written as a gift for Shenoahdesigns. I hope you enjoy it, sweets.
Many thanks to Maleficentknits for betaing.
As ever, I do not own Twilight
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Flight BA 296 to London is now boarding. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers-”
Jasper shook his head, pushing away the announcement as he said, “Sorry, babe, what was that? You got drowned out.” He sighed, raking his hand through his hair as he jammed the phone between ear and shoulder in order to check yet again that he had his boarding pass ready.
Edward chuckled and Jasper could hear the rest of their family talking in the background. Not for the first time – or the last – Jasper cursed his boss for sending him on a last minute assignment. He’d already missed out on Christmas with his family, and he’d be damned if he’d lose out on New Year’s, too. Though if the weather had its way, that was certainly a real danger of happening.
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