banner courtesy of Jilly James

banner courtesy of Jilly James

Relationship(s): Daniel/Sha’re, Daniel/Jack
Content Rating: G
Warnings: none
Summary: Every day since Jack had become a Sentinel, his thoughts had turned to Abydos and the person he left behind. Every day he felt a part of himself had been left behind. Instead of seeing the Guides that crossed his path for who they were, he could only see who they weren’t: Daniel.

When the opportunity to return to Abydos presented itself, he grabbed onto it with both hands, hoping he could find the piece of himself he left among the stars.

Note: Thank you, Jilly, as always, for beta’ing these boys


Jack sat gazing up at the stars as usual. Ever since that mission a year earlier, it had become part of his routine. If he thought too much about it, it still boggled his mind. He and his team had gone where no man had gone before. They had traveled to another world and for all intents and purposes had stepped into a piece of Earth’s history when they arrived on Abydos. Something that had thrilled Daniel to bits.

Daniel. Continue reading