A/N: Happy Birthday, Coolbreeeze!
Hope you have an awesome day, and that you enjoy these boys.
Thanks to SorceressCirce for both the prompts and the beta’ing.
Twilight owns me – I cannot get away 😉
“Oh come on, baby. It’ll be fun! When’s the last time you just let loose?” he says.
I roll my eyes at him, sighing.
His arms tighten around me, his eyes alight with mischief.
“Edward, we’re not kids anymo-“
He jostles me, pouting. “That’s the point! Come on…please? For me?”
I groan, relenting as he knew I would.
Soon, we’re running pell-mell down the hill, holding hands as we go.
I feel something release, and I’m soaring along with him, our spirits high – free.
Feet from the bottom, I stumble.
Pulling him with me, we roll to a stop.