A/N: Happy Birthday, Shalu! I intended to write just a few drabbles, but these boys had something to say. Hope you enjoy it, and that you have a great day.
Thank you EchoingSilence for prompts, and SorceressCirce for prompts as well as betaing.
As always, Twilight owns me, not the other way around.

Music’s thumping in the background; bodies are swaying to the beat amid cups strewn all over the place. All the makings of an excellent party, yet all I want to do is hide.
Jasper’s had one too many – more than, really – and has been going around, hugging all our friends, muttering to them. Each of them laughs it off, shaking heads in amusement.
I can hear him still.
“I love you, man.”
I want nothing more than to say those words to him, but I don’t. He doesn’t mean it the way I want him to. He couldn’t.
He’s straight.

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