A/N: Happy birthday, Ingenuefic! Once, you asked me if I’d ever write a HEA for Edward and Bella. You didn’t think me capable. Well, for your birthday I decided to try to prove you wrong 😉 I hope you’ll enjoy these drabbles, and that you have a great day today.
Thanks to SorceressCirce for the prompts and the beta’ing.
Picture prompts can be found on my blog
As ever, it is Twilight that owns me, not the other way around.
“I’m gonna miss you,” she murmurs, hugging me tightly from behind.
I smile, turning my head to look at her. “I’ll miss you, too, B. It’s weird, isn’t it? That we won’t be going to the same school anymore? No hanging out every day at the diner doing homework.”
She sighs, tightening her arms, and groans, “Don’t remind me. It won’t be the same without my best friend.”
She stands up.
I grin at her. “Oh yeah? Should I be jealous?”
She blushes, stammering, “Oh shut up!”
My train arrives.
Getting to my feet, I pull her into a hug.

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