A/N: Once upon a time, there were two little girls named silvertwi and SorceressCirce…

*grins* I’ve known of silvertwi for some time now, but I officially “met” her when she and I were both bidding on naelany in the Support Stacie Author Auction and decided to band together. We won, and the resulting one-shot called “This Boy” was amazing and had me begging for more.

When I learned that silvertwi’s birthday was today, I decided I wanted to write a little something, and the most obvious choice seemed to be “This Boy”…even though the story wasn’t really mine to begin with. So here I am, borrowing those boys and posting this little birthday gift on naelany’s profile so that the boys’ story stays all neatly wrapped together.

Silvertwi, sweetie, these are for you! I hope you have an amazing birthday and enjoy this little peek into Seth’s head. I talked to naelany about him, and she gave me the prompts as well as double checking that this is indeed how his story goes. I’m thinking we might need to bid the next time she goes up for auction…what do you think? Love you, bb!


Special thanks to naelany for providing the prompts, letting me borrow her boys for a bit, and agreeing to post this on her profile with the other parts of their story.

Seth POV

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