A/N: Happy Birthday, ViolentSerenity! Once upon a time, you gave me this picture to use as a prompt, and I figured that this was as good an occasion to use it as any. I hope you enjoy it!
Thank you to SorceressCirce for the prompts and for beta’ing.
As ever, Twilight owns me, not the other way around.


I glance at my watch, cursing under my breath when I see the time. I was supposed to meet him half an hour ago, but a flat tire this morning derailed my entire day. To top things off, I can’t get hold of him – no signal at the beach.
“Everything perfectly planned, and it still goes to shit…”
Patting my pocket, I sigh in relief as my fingers trace the outline of the small box.
The last thing I need is for that to be missing right now.
Clutching my camera tighter, I walk faster, closing the distance between us.

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