A/N: Happy Birthday, OnTheTurningAway! I hope you have a great day. I thought I’d send these boys your way to make things a little merrier. Enjoy!

Thanks to SorceressCirce for the prompts and the beta’ing.

As ever, it’s Twilight that owns me, not the other way around (dangit).

Jasper’s going to be here any minute, and I’ve never been more nervous.
We’ve been dating for a few weeks now – he’s the first guy in a long time that’s been able to catch my interest.
I know he wants more, but I’ve been holding off. I’m not even exactly sure why, other than being afraid. My track-record on relationships leaves much to be desired.
For the tenth time, I straighten the couch cushions when the doorbell rings.
Taking a deep breath, I open it to see his trademark grin.
Anxiety and relief settle in equal measure as lips meet.

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