A/N: this story is already posted on fanfiction.net. Many people have helped me with it to varying degrees – betas, sounding boards, legal advice, and medical. Thank you all, for everything you’ve done over the years to help make these boys come to life. It’s been a long journey that will finally close after five years.
Thank you, reader, for your patience and support during this time. It’s meant the world to me.
If you’re new to At the Deep End, I ask that you please bear in mind that this was my very first attempt at writing. I’ve elected to not change anything from when I first started. This is my baby, and I’ve grown along with it, as I hope you can see once we arrive at the other end.
In the mean time, enjoy.
It’s just you
I am dismissed
It’s a bother
I am a bother
Ill chosen words
Cut down to my darkest self
I am a burden
As the following days turn into weeks we settle into a rhythm, alternating where we sleep, though more often than not we end up at my place. Edward starts his new job, thriving in his environment. We cook and clean together, spend our evenings quietly at home with Brutus. We visit with Rose and Emmett a few times, and even have dinner at Edward’s parents’ place – something that, despite Elizabeth’s apology and welcome, still has me nervous, though as it turns out, Edward Sr. is very much like his son, and I’m left feeling truly a part of Edward’s family.
All in all, I feel happier than I ever recall being, and I yearn for more, though I’m unsure how to broach the subject with Edward. The more I think about it, the more I’m certain about us – about having a future together – and I want to cement that somehow. Just how is where I’m stumped. I know that the idea of us each having an apartment is becoming more and more ludicrous, considering we’re always at one place or the other anyway. But with Edward, I start to feel that I need more than just living with him, something that I have somewhat of a hard time coming to terms with, because with Liam I never felt that need. Just sharing home and bed together had been enough with him, but now… Continue reading
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